6th International Conference on
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
March 16-20, 2015 — Hanoi, Vietnam
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In Memory of Klaus Tschira (1940 - 2015)
We lost a great man when
Klaus Tschira died on March 31, 2015 at age 74.
Klaus Tschira was co-founder of the German software giant SAP AG in 1972 and well known as a very successful entrepreneur. He always enjoyed close relationship to science and education. In 1995 he established the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTF) supporting primarily innovative projects in natural and computer sciences as well as mathematics. Klaus Tschira had enormous expert knowledge and vision and was esteemed as a generous and effective supporter for research and education, with a particular attention to the young generation. In 2010 he created the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) as a Center of Excellence.
We will always remember in gratitude Klaus Tschira and his outstanding contributions to science and to society.

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International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 16-20, 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam