ACOMP 2007
International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Applications
Ho Chi Minh City, March 14-16, 2007
    Home > Papers > Nicole Bordes
Nicole Bordes

E-Archaeology: an Australian Case Study

Nicole Bordes
VisLab and School of Phyvissical Sciences, The University of Queensland

Oystein Pettersen
VisLab and School of Physical Sciences, The University of Queensland

Sean Ulm
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, The University of Queensland

David Gwynne
VisLab and School of Physical Sciences, The University of Queensland

Bernard Pailthorpe
VisLab and School of Physical Sciences, The University of Queensland

This paper addresses two parallel and interlinked problems: the development of digital archaeological resources and collections that focus on the publication and preservation of data, and the creation of tools for the analysis and visualization of these data. We present our design for and progress on the development of a prototype for an Australian archaeological digital collection based on data grid technologies and infrastructure and the development of visualization and analysis tools. We used data from two major archaeological projects in Queensland, Australia: the Mill Point Archaeological Project and Index of Dates from Archaeological Sites in Queensland. These case studies were selected to represent the different challenges in deploying these digital technologies to Australian archaeological applications.

Open Access Research