Home contact

Internet & e-mail: Due to the low local infrastructure, it is difficult to make an Internet connection in Vietnam. So using Internet to connect to your home computer directly is hardly possible. Therefore, we suggest you to register some free mail service in order to check mail through Web browsers.

For instance, to receive a personal address from the free Web server Hotmail you must do the following steps:

Remember to reserve such an address before flying to Vietnam. Once having a mail account which can be checked via Web browsers, you can go to Internet Cafes or to some Tourist Agencies in Vietnam to read and send mails.

Phone & Fax: Phone and Fax in Vietnam is more expensive than these in European countries, for instance. To avoid unpleasant surprises, please ask the price before making a call . It is highly recommended to make calls at public telephone, not only because of the lower price, but also in some hotels the call time is measured automatically right after you get connected to the wanted telephone set although the talk hasn't been begun or cannot happen at all.

[Registration] [Visa] [Deadlines] [Abstracts] [Proceedings]
(International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 10-14, 2003, Hanoi, Vietnam)